Locating and Ordering Fractions and Mixed Numbers on the Number Line
Learning Outcomes
- Locate and label improper and proper fractions on a number line
- Order fractions and mixed numbers on a number line
- Use inequality symbols to compare fractions and mixed numbers

Locate and label the following on a number line: , and . Solution: Start by locating the proper fraction . It is between and . To do this, divide the distance between and into four equal parts. Then plot .

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#146007 [ohm_question height="270"]146007[/ohm_question] #146008 [ohm_question height="270"]146008[/ohm_question]

Locate and label the following on the number line: , and .Answer:
Draw a number line. Mark in the middle and then mark several units to the left and right.
To locate , divide the interval between and into four equal parts. Each part represents one-quarter of the distance. So plot at the first mark.
To locate , divide the interval between and into four equal parts. Plot at the first mark to the left of .
Since is between and , divide the interval between and into three equal parts. Plot at the first mark to the right of . Then since is the opposite of it is between and . Divide the interval between and into three equal parts. Plot at the first mark to the left of .
To locate and , it may be helpful to rewrite them as the mixed numbers and .
Since is between and , divide the interval between and into two equal parts. Plot at the mark. Then since is between and , divide the interval between and into two equal parts. Plot at the mark.
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#146009 [ohm_question height="270"]146009[/ohm_question] #146011 [ohm_question height="270"]146011[/ohm_question]Order Fractions and Mixed Numbers
We can use the inequality symbols to order fractions. Remember that means that is to the right of on the number line. As we move from left to right on a number line, the values increase.Example
Order each of the following pairs of numbers, using ; or- __
- __
- __
- __