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x^2 x^{\msquare} \log_{\msquare} \sqrt{\square} \nthroot[\msquare]{\square} \le \ge \frac{\msquare}{\msquare} \cdot \div x^{\circ} \pi
\left(\square\right)^{'} \frac{d}{dx} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \int \int_{\msquare}^{\msquare} \lim \sum \infty \theta (f\:\circ\:g) f(x)
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لوحة مفاتيح كاملة
x^2 x^{\msquare} \log_{\msquare} \sqrt{\square} \nthroot[\msquare]{\square} \le \ge \frac{\msquare}{\msquare} \cdot \div x^{\circ} \pi
\left(\square\right)^{'} \frac{d}{dx} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \int \int_{\msquare}^{\msquare} \lim \sum \infty \theta (f\:\circ\:g) f(x)
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Number Line

Solve word problems step by step


Two men who are traveling in opposite directions at the rate of 18 and 22 mph respectively started at the same time at the same place. In how many hours will they be 250 apart?


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